.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Copyright(c) 2018-2019 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation .. _spp_ctl_rest_api_spp_mirror: spp_mirror ========== GET /v1/mirrors/{client_id} --------------------------- Get the information of the ``spp_mirror`` process. * Normal response codes: 200 * Error response codes: 400, 404 Request (path) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _table_spp_ctl_mirrors_get: .. table:: Request parameter for getting spp_mirror. +-----------+---------+--------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | | | | | +===========+=========+==========================+ | client_id | integer | client id. | +-----------+---------+--------------------------+ Request example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $ curl -X GET -H 'application/json' \ Response ~~~~~~~~ .. _table_spp_ctl_spp_mirror_res: .. table:: Response params of getting spp_mirror. +------------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | | | | | +==================+=========+===============================================+ | client-id | integer | client id. | +------------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ports | array | an array of port ids used by the process. | +------------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+ | components | array | an array of component objects in the process. | +------------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+ Component objects: .. _table_spp_ctl_spp_mirror_res_comp: .. table:: Component objects of getting spp_mirror. +---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | | | | | +=========+=========+=====================================================================+ | core | integer | core id running on the component | +---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | string | an array of port ids used by the process. | +---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | type | string | an array of component objects in the process. | +---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | rx_port | array | an array of port objects connected to the rx side of the component. | +---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tx_port | array | an array of port objects connected to the tx side of the component. | +---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Port objects: .. _table_spp_ctl_spp_mirror_res_port: .. table:: Port objects of getting spp_vf. +---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | | | | | +=========+=========+===============================================================+ | port | string | port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}. | +---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ Response example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "client-id": 1, "ports": [ "phy:0", "phy:1", "ring:0", "ring:1", "ring:2" ], "components": [ { "core": 2, "name": "mr0", "type": "mirror", "rx_port": [ { "port": "ring:0" } ], "tx_port": [ { "port": "ring:1" }, { "port": "ring:2" } ] }, { "core": 3, "type": "unuse" } ] } The component which type is ``unused`` is to indicate unused core. Equivalent CLI command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none spp > mirror {client_id}; status POST /v1/mirrors/{client_id}/components --------------------------------------- Start component. * Normal response codes: 204 * Error response codes: 400, 404 Request (path) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _table_spp_ctl_spp_mirror_components: .. table:: Request params of components of spp_mirror. +-----------+---------+-------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +===========+=========+=============+ | client_id | integer | client id. | +-----------+---------+-------------+ Request (body) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _table_spp_ctl_spp_mirror_components_res: .. table:: Response params of components of spp_mirror. +-----------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | | | | | +===========+=========+======================================================================+ | name | string | component name. must be unique in the process. | +-----------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | core | integer | core id. | +-----------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | type | string | component type. only ``mirror`` is available. | +-----------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Request example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -H 'application/json' \ -d '{"name": "mr1", "core": 12, "type": "mirror"}' \ Response ~~~~~~~~ There is no body content for the response of a successful ``POST`` request. Equivalent CLI command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none spp > mirror {client_id}; component start {name} {core} {type} DELETE /v1/mirrors/{client_id}/components/{name} ------------------------------------------------ Stop component. * Normal response codes: 204 * Error response codes: 400, 404 Request (path) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _table_spp_ctl_spp_mirror_del: .. table:: Request params of deleting component of spp_mirror. +-----------+---------+---------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | | | | | +===========+=========+=================================+ | client_id | integer | client id. | +-----------+---------+---------------------------------+ | name | string | component name. | +-----------+---------+---------------------------------+ Request example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $ curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \ Response ~~~~~~~~ There is no body content for the response of a successful ``POST`` request. Equivalent CLI command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none spp > mirror {client_id}; component stop {name} PUT /v1/mirrors/{client_id}/components/{name}/ports --------------------------------------------------- Add or delete port to the component. * Normal response codes: 204 * Error response codes: 400, 404 Request (path) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _table_spp_ctl_spp_mirror_comp_port: .. table:: Request params for ports of component of spp_mirror. +-----------+---------+---------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | | | | | +===========+=========+===========================+ | client_id | integer | client id. | +-----------+---------+---------------------------+ | name | string | component name. | +-----------+---------+---------------------------+ Request (body) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _table_spp_ctl_spp_mirror_comp_port_body: .. table:: Request body params for ports of component of spp_mirror. +---------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | | | | | +=========+=========+=================================================================+ | action | string | ``attach`` or ``detach``. | +---------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | port | string | port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}. | +---------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | dir | string | ``rx`` or ``tx``. | +---------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ Request example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attach rx port of ``ring:1`` to component named ``mr1``. .. code-block:: console $ curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \ -d '{"action": "attach", "port": "ring:1", "dir": "rx"}' \ Detach tx port of ``ring:1`` from component named ``mr1``. .. code-block:: console $ curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \ -d '{"action": "detach", "port": "ring:0", "dir": "tx"}' \ Response ~~~~~~~~ There is no body content for the response of a successful ``PUT`` request. Equivalent CLI command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Action is ``attach``. .. code-block:: none spp > mirror {client_id}; port add {port} {dir} {name} Action is ``detach``. .. code-block:: none spp > mirror {client_id}; port del {port} {dir} {name}